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Why Good Sources of Protein Are Important

By Ron Eichner

Hi folks, September is one of our four transition months as summer fades into fall each year. The autumn equinox occurs at 3:20 p.m. on Thursday, September 22, and there are approximately equal hours of daylight and darkness on that day. The full moon is September 10, and if we get through that date with no frost, we should be safe until October 9 or later.

Labor Day, on September 5, is our annual celebration of the social and economic achievements of American workers. It also reflects upon our willingness to improve our country through hard work. Inflation has hit us all right in the pocketbook and the costs keep rising on just about everything. September 11 has special events including Patriot’s Day, which is not for New England’s football team, but rather it is held to honor and remember those who died on September 11, 2001. It is also Grandparent’s Day.

Now that kids and grandkids have gone back to school, it would be wise to make the classic old-school breakfast—eggs, bacon and sausage. Everyone should revisit the incredible, edible egg. As a society, we have told for over 60 years that eggs are bad for our health. That was to support the high carb and low-fat diet. Well, that diet was misleading. Now it is whispered that we need low or no carbs and good fats. Then it’s time we reinvent the egg.

Eggs are considered to be the number one complete source of high-quality protein because eggs contain all nine essential amino acids and are a source of all of the vitamins except vitamin C. There are 14 minerals in an average egg. Additionally, eggs are God’s original multi-vitamin encapsulated in a shell. If you noticed I said, “An average egg.” Our laying hens are on an all-vegetable based feed with flax seed, kelp meal, essential oils, extra vitamins and probiotics to support their immune system. Kelp meal is a rich and dependable source of 60 minerals and trace elements, 21 amino acids and 12 vitamins. This is why I say our laying hens are producing high-energy eggs.

Proteins is the second largest matter in the brain, second only to water, so it’s important to nourish your brain with protein rich foods and good water. Proteins help neurons within the brain to communicate with each other through neurotransmitters that are made from amino acids.

Eating eggs leads to elevated levels of high-density lipoproteins (HDL), also labeled as the “good cholesterol.” Keep in mind your cells need both HDL and LDL the “bad cholesterol” to function. People who have high HDL levels have a lower risk of heart disease, stroke, and other health issues. According to research and studies, eating two eggs a day for six weeks increases the HDL levels by 10%. Maybe the health and medical departments have been misdirected for over 60 years. The cholesterol in eggs doesn’t raise cholesterol levels the way other foods that are over processed and refined with trans fats.

So young and old can benefit from a good protein start to their day and revisits what some call the classic – old school breakfast, eggs, bacon and sausage. Our family farm’s high-energy eggs, sliced slab Canadian bacon and lean pork sausages can be a breakfast of champions! You are welcome to stop by Eichner’s Whole Farm and Greenhouses and let us be a nutritional destination for your foundation of health and wellness. Bring a friend and be a friend at 285 Richard Road, Wexford and get the “rest of the story.”

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